Bader A. Nazar

Badr Mohammed Aljamili

Badr Mohammed Aljamili - Saudi Arabia

A trip to the farm, The Blood-Horse and Lexington, Kentucky

15-year-old Edgar Prado and Dantesca are meet in the winner`s circle by Dante Sr., Dante Jr. and his sister GabriellaAt the age of nine his father took the family for a weekend to Haras El Centauro, the farm of a good friend and client Andres Bezzola. After a day of visiting paddocks, riding the farm pony, chasing ducks, and a nice evening dinner with Mr. Bezzola, Dante Jr. spent the whole night reading The Blood-Horse from the past decades. There was born Dante’s desire to learn more about North American pedigrees, Kentucky farms, supplements, conformation, etc. He ordered every sample he could from every company that advertised on those magazines. His mother, worrisome, started getting all this samples Dante Jr. receives best friend Edgar Prado and first time starter Agra after her MSW victoryproducts from the United States. His dad rest importance to this but thought it will be good for Dante Jr. to keep learning as much as he can. As time kept passing on, Dante’s dream had continue growing and his knowledge about North American racing has continue to expand. Finally in 1988 Dante’s opportunity arrived when his father reward Dante’s effort at the track and school by sending him to Miami to learn hands-on the North American system at Calder Race Course under trainer Angel M. Medina wings. Dante was suppose to come back but choose to stay in the U.S. instead, and took him time to convince his parents that he will go on to finish his education and become the best person and horseman he could be.

Badr Mohammed Aljamili